i'm phonograph underscore clock hahaha That's how you do it, right guys?

Phonography Director

Canada, 2934.

Joined on 8/22/15

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PhonographClock's News

Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2024

Happy Clock Day everyone!!!!!!!! It's that time of the year again where we clamber out of our little cave and deliver unto the masses great works of Spam for your viewing displeasure.

Per usual we have a grand Collab to deliver upon this holy day, of which yours truly was able to contribute! Check it out and Vote 5!! May The King Of The Portal Reign Eternal. Ave Fragaria.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't make anything of personal nature this year. I've uhhh been having a real crisis of faith lately, if I'm being honest! For the past few years I've sort of turned into a bit of a wandering nomad when time permits, and sure I'll still spread the good word of B wherever I go but recently a change has been stirring within me that's caused me to reevaluate some things, I suppose. And I'm not just talking about physical changes, like the mandibles. That's just my mother's genes finally kicking in. No, y'see, I've seen a lot of stuff out there, in the various secular communities that dot this vast wasteland. Getting a new perspective on things is always a benefit, y'see. I've always believed its nice to challenge your worldviews. Builds character. But it also tests the very foundations upon which you carry yourself, makes you start thinking about what you truly value most. And on the subject of value, I suppose I learned in this great grand scheme that, well, I'm not exactly up to my ears in it. Silly Spam Flash for Kicks is only so fulfilling. Y'see.

So selfishly I've been trying to hang around non-Clock people more. Create memories, make new friends, that sorta thing. Start investing in what I value most which is creating moments that I can look back on fondly. It's been a lot of fun and I wouldn't really trade it for the world. It's always awesome to see what you have in common with people from vastly different upbringings than you; makes you realize that despite everything we're all not so different.

So I've been doing that for awhile. Joined a Cult. Carved symbols into my chest. Hung desiccated deer carcasses from meat hooks. Sacrificed people to The Pit. Chanted unintelligible glossolalia into the void in the hopes for unending riches. Kidnapped people in the night, doused them in gasoline, set them on fire if they refused to give up the information I wanted. Used code CHOCO for 10% off gamersupps. Just really out there making friends and having fun. Bringing some value to this little life of mine.

I'm hoping I can channel these personal experiences into a new film for next year, to summarize what I've learned. I think after a few years excursion I have more than enough inspiration to draw from. The only matter is time, ironically enough. Maybe if I could get my way more often without the use of pliers, a hacksaw, and a mallet with spikes welded into it, I'd have a great deal more time. But alas, it's not so easy. It's never so easy. They always want to do it the hard way.

Remember to vote 5 on gosh darned everything, as is tradition, and have yourself a very Happy Clock Day, everyone!!!

XOXO Phono <3




Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2023

Teeheehee! We tricked you! It was all April's Tricks! The looks on your collective faces were priceless. But now it's Clock Day for REAL! And you must all bear witness to us yet again as we subject you to another glorious round of wading through our endless spam! Rejoice!

Unfortunately though there was some truth to the matter of the previous news post: I was actually put to death. They shoved me off the tallest cliff in Clocktopia and my skull busted open like a mold-fuzzed cantaloupe against the jagged rocks below. I came back, though. Apparently there's a big dispute over which particular heavenly/demonic/purgatorial/astral/eldritch body has claim on my soul. So there was a bit of a custody battle going on for a little while over who that would get distributed to. Supposedly I've promised my very life essence to so many opposing parties that they deemed it would be entirely way too frustrating to sift through and just threw the case out entirely. So I get parole in the realm of the living. It's pretty neat.

Anyway my life story aside, I've created a film for you all to enjoy on our glorious for real Clock Day, on the day it has always and will forever be celebrated. Check it out and vote 5!:

I don't really have much to say on it. Being set back so long barely gave me any time to actually make anything for today, so I opted to recreate one of the worst films I have ever made while trying to preserve the raw angst that embodied it. As such, it's very much unchanged structurally besides, well, looking the way it does now. I promise you I'll have more talky bullshit in the future. I know you love talky bullshit. Hell, I love talky bullshit. I just love to listen to motherfuckers talk.

In other news, I updated the Pink Room Chronicles playlist to include a cover image that I did up in a day in-between runs of Noita.That Flash Flood series still lives rent-free in my mind and I am still enamoured that I actually managed to go through with it. It wouldn't be a news post made by me if I didn't ask you all to give it a look-see if you haven't.

Given that next year also happens to be a leap year, I might have to consider going back to the Flash Flood grind once February rolls around. There's been something I've been wanting to explore, and I think the Flash Flood format would be a fantastic way of doing it...


Fingers crossed!

In other news, our collab is now live! Everyone in the Crew worked really hard in finding old discarded movies from like 15 years ago and putting them in a neat little row for your viewing pleasure, so definitely check it out!

Other than that, please enjoy our Clock Day festivities, as is tradition, and Vote Five on God Damn Everything In Plain Sight.

And of course just like last year, I'd like to extend my sincerest thank yous to everyone who showed up to the Toronto Newgrounds Meetup this year, be they attendees from last year or new faces. It's incredible that this has become a yearly thing, and I'm hoping to meet more of you in the future. You guys rock immensely <3. Thanks for all the stickers.

I would like to formally apologise to Tom for being the only Clock Crew member in attendance on that day. From my recollection, you sounded so disappointed when I told you I was the only one there! Maybe one day we can roll out in droves and exersize a hostile takeover. Not likely though!

With that out of the way, I must return now to my newest and most passionate hobby in life: being incredibly annoying in the chatrooms of various streamers on twitch in a desperate attempt to stave off my soul-crushing loneliness. Because the affections of people that I will never know nor meet are more important to me than establishing myself in the real world. I love vtubers and I give them all of my money.

Happy Clock Day!!

XOXO Phono <3



Posted by PhonographClock - April 1st, 2023

Well, it's that time of year again, as it has been every year, on the day that it has always taken place: Happy Clock Day!! We came out with a brand spankin' new collab that I even got the pleasure to participate in, so check it out here!!!:

Sadly, I was not able to complete a personal tribute this year which, as I'm sure you all know, is the highest of dishonours a Clock can bring to their name. That, and I was recently ousted for embezzling funds to a traitor kingdom not too long ago as well as getting involved in cult activities that may be considered blasphemous and conflicting with the Clock Standard-Of-Living™ we're all expected to uphold since our conception. Thus, I'm scheduled to be executed via cliffjumping as this day draws to a close. Unfortunately that means this is the last you'll see from me for the foreseeable future. It's disheartening, but my dissent must be paid for in blood!

Despite my deplorable and unthoughtful actions, I must stress that I am still, and will always remain until my death, endlessly loyal to the Crew and all that it stands for. In no way was my involvement with foreign criminal underworlds and demonic watersports circles out of any resentment for the Clock Crew. I was just foolishly blinded by outside temptations. So please, heed the words of the dying: Let not the fog of misjudgment cloud your mind. Vote Five on all Clock movies on our glorious Day, and bask in the enlightenment they are sure to bring.

I leave all that I own to that girl who bumped into me on the street once and then never saw again. I will never forget you, mi amor.

Thank you all for sticking with me during my 74 years of indentured servitude to the Art of Spam.

I'll see you on the other side!


<3 Phono

P.S. Please also wish a very happy birthday to @RandomisedTV (Clock) who is my very good friend and also the current any% speedrun world record holder for The Entropy Centre. Okay. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2022

Well hi there. It's freakin' Clock Day. Happy freakin' Clock Day!! I slaved away in the flash mines for months and managed to cobble together a film for the occasion, per usual. You can check it out here:

This film was sorta kinda maybe meant to be a last hurrah to The Pink Room Chronicles, which was a series birthed from the 2020 Flash Flood. I made it sort of as a parting gift to that particular chapter, of which I believe I was at my proudest. If you got an extra second to spare, it would mean the world to me if you could give those a watch too. That said, let this be the last time you gaze within The Pink Room's confines for the foreseeable future. No more Medic or hamfisted art allegory or the fucking colour pink or anything of the sort in my movies further down the line. At least for now. Thinking about it I cannot guarantee that Medic's completely out of the picture though. Controlling bastard, he is.

But enough of my prattling, did you know we also did a COLLAB? Holy shit! I made a part for it! Check it out!!

Anywhoms, I'd like to again thank the entire Clock Crew for their continued service to the art of Spam, and to all who still support us in our endeavors by voting 5 on all clock flash. I'd also like to extend my gratitude to all the folks who showed up to the Toronto NG Meetup back in June for being pretty cool cats. I cannot stress enough how killer of an experience that was. Wish I could've talked to you all more <3.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work on my true passion in life: placing spy cameras on my neighbor's cat so whenever she pets it i can pretend its me. 

Happy 21 Years of B!!!! The Clock Crew Loves Everyone.

XOXO Phono <3




Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2021

Who woulda thunk it, right?

I made a movie film for you to absorb with your eyeholes you can observe it ----------> here

It's an ASCII romp through a script I half-wrote while on the toilet a night or two ago. I've wanted to experiment with animating using ascii art for a little bit now, and I'd like to think this turned out well for the most part. I plan on experimenting with it again soon.

In other news we have not one but TWO collabs out, both of which I participated in! You can view them here and here.

I'd like to thank anybody who has ever voted 5 on any Clock Crew movie and for the rest of the Clock Crew themselves for the excellent turnout this year. All of you have made this 20th anniversary truly special.

I'd also like to belatedly thank @olskoo for the supporter status. Sorry that I couldn't make much use of it!

With that out of the way, I shall submerge myself back into the darkness of my abode and continue work on my true passion in life: my 1:1 scale replica of Dick Dastardly from "Wacky Races" carved entirely out of balsa wood and baklava to try and impress a girl I find really really pretty.

Happy Clock Day!!!

XOXOXO Phono <3 <3






Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2020

Well hoooooowdy cowpoke! I done darn reckon' it be 'bout time to be celebratin' that thar CLOCK DAY, yah??? Luckily for you fellas I happened to do up a mighty fine movie for youse to be gawkin' at. Giver' a watch 'n a five for me, y'hear?

Author Comments On New Movie "Bottle Uncapped":

Bottle Uncapped is a film I've wanted to make for a long time. Since 2017 the idea of my dumb phonograph character beating the crap out of the mascot from the nuka world trailer would ping off the walls of my brain, settling only to marinate and gain strength. Eventually I gave in and made it.

It came out alright, for the most part. I've never done anything too action-oriented and this was a good challenge for me; but it's safe to say that I will probably never do anything like that ever again. Probably. Maybe if I gave myself a lot more time.

Halfway through production I kind of felt that this didn't really feel like a "clock" movie. I almost scrapped it for that alone, but kept pushing forward after realizing that I didn't really have any other ideas I wanted to expand upon. The PhonoLore is very vast but demands lots of ambition; degrees of which I am not willing to dish out at this point in time. At a later date I might start uploading more artwork, showcasing tidbits of the ever-expanding story that I've created and latched onto like a stubborn tick.

In other news, We did a new collab! Pass The Spam Drei! I made a part for it! Check it out!!!!

I don't have a boring self-indulgent paragraph for this one I genuinely have a lot of fun whenever I'm involved in any collabs and this one was real special.

Anywho, with this finally out of the way, I wish you all a very, VERY Happy Clock Day 2020! Vote 5 on gosh darned everything!!!

It's time to return to my true passion in life: my 500 page Fortnite x Parappa The Rapper fan-fiction.

Good night.

XOXO Phono <3



Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2019

Greetings yet again! It is I, the great magician PHONOGRAPHCLOCK! Here to deliver unto you a movie for the most joyous of days on this tired and creaky website!! VOTEACUS FIVEACUS!

The script Golden wrote for this movie was absolutely phenomenal. I remember that fateful day back in 2018, reading it for the first time. I looked up to the sky and a single tear rolled out of my eye. It was then that I knew I had a duty. A purpose. To make this script into the best goddamn movie I could muster. Many a sweat, blood, and tear was viciously poured into this movie. Many a grueling hour slaving away in a grimy old basement, enduring blood clots in my knees and carpal tunnel in my wrists until finally my masterpiece was complete. With Golden's guidance I was enlightened with the true meaning of what it means to be a Clock. It has forever changed me.

With these new experiences under my belt, I'm ready to take it to the next level. I have a movie in the works for next year already, as we speak.


It's probably gonna be okay.

All that aside, I hope you have a most fabulous clock day! Remember to vote five on goddamned everything as written in the commandments, and I'll see you all next year for yet another outing!!!

XOXO Phono <3



Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2018

Happy Clock Day 2018 folks! I actually made a movie!
Granted, I did it in five days but don't worry about that! Movie! There's movie! Watch it here!

The Pink Room is an idea that, when exposed to the light of day, promptly threw itself back into the asshole-shaped abyss from wence it came, and then proceeded to eat a lot of chips ahoy and shit itself into a coma.

That's fancy talk to say that I had a lot more planned for it but due to a planning process that went absolutely nowhere and input from friends that also went absolutely nowhere this is what you get. A shadow of what it could've been, really, but all things considered I think it's better than just punching a goose's head off (nothing can top punching a goose's head off that is a lie)

Anyway, here's an alternate youtube link just in case. Remember to vote 5 on gosh darned everything today!
Have a good one!



Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2017

Hi its me very famous man PhonographClock. I arrive to inform the one person who reads these that I DID make a movie this year, and its just as great as I hoped it would be! Check it out! 

I also decided to just rehash some of my old art and upload it onto the site, all of which can be viewed here. They're not particularily good, but then again, when have I ever been particularily good? (Always)

Alright real talk, its a darn shame I couldn't work on my actual submission since I want to start getting some kind of a series going. After the completion of PhonographClock Explores A Desert, the movie gave me enough material to work with that it opened up this floodgate of ideas and I've been wanting to piss them out all over the website ever since. I just have to commit to pissing in the toilet and not in my pants, if you catch my drift. But I'll worry about that once I get everything sorted out, which could take awhile.

Anyway, Here's a shameless plug for my youtube channel, which also has all of my animations on it as well as some other stuff. Please subscribe so I can feel better about myself thanks.

So yeah thats the deal with me. Happy Clock Day to all and I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Remember to vote 5 on gosh darned everything today. I will make this promise now so that I will have to commit myself to it and you can lynch me if I don't follow through: I will make a new and much better movie for the following year. Two or three if I get ambitious. Remember these words well, because I probably won't. Just...leave a memo for me or something.

See you all next year!


Posted by PhonographClock - August 15th, 2016

Happy Clock Day, everyone! Here's my two movies for Clock Day.

PhonographClock Explores A Desert:

PhonographClock Falls Into A Sewer:

My first Clock Day. What a treat!