Happy Clock Day 2018 folks! I actually made a movie!
Granted, I did it in five days but don't worry about that! Movie! There's movie! Watch it here!
The Pink Room is an idea that, when exposed to the light of day, promptly threw itself back into the asshole-shaped abyss from wence it came, and then proceeded to eat a lot of chips ahoy and shit itself into a coma.
That's fancy talk to say that I had a lot more planned for it but due to a planning process that went absolutely nowhere and input from friends that also went absolutely nowhere this is what you get. A shadow of what it could've been, really, but all things considered I think it's better than just punching a goose's head off (nothing can top punching a goose's head off that is a lie)
Anyway, here's an alternate youtube link just in case. Remember to vote 5 on gosh darned everything today!
Have a good one!
happy clockday! phono