You have created a phenomenal series here, one that I do not think I will forget for a very long time. Loved every episode. Thank you for a terrific flash flood.
You have created a phenomenal series here, one that I do not think I will forget for a very long time. Loved every episode. Thank you for a terrific flash flood.
What an absolutely exquisite piece! Excellent work everyone!!
An absolute masterstroke as per usual, BB10.
Excellent work!
5'd because I am in it.
My good god BB10 there you go with the excellent flash work yet again.
A flash movie that both manages to be funny AND educational, all at the same time.
You're doing god's work, BB10. Doing god's work.
hey, thanks alot, man!
you are a good flash artist, and it means alot to hear this from you!
im glad that you enjoyed my movie, thank you!
keep creating cool art, you are good.
PS: it was cool that i told people about the true origins of tricky's song, right? i had fun making this.
The LISA Music made ejaculate poor out of every orifice in my body. I am sweating baby gravy right now.
i'm phonograph underscore clock hahaha That's how you do it, right guys?
Phonography Director
Canada, 2934.
Joined on 8/22/15