i'm phonograph underscore clock hahaha That's how you do it, right guys?

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Happy Clock Day everyone!!!!!!!! It's that time of the year again where we clamber out of our little cave and deliver unto the masses great works of Spam for your viewing displeasure.

Per usual we have a grand Collab to deliver upon this holy day, of which yours truly was able to contribute! Check it out and Vote 5!! May The King Of The Portal Reign Eternal. Ave Fragaria.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't make anything of personal nature this year. I've uhhh been having a real crisis of faith lately, if I'm being honest! For the past few years I've sort of turned into a bit of a wandering nomad when time permits, and sure I'll still spread the good word of B wherever I go but recently a change has been stirring within me that's caused me to reevaluate some things, I suppose. And I'm not just talking about physical changes, like the mandibles. That's just my mother's genes finally kicking in. No, y'see, I've seen a lot of stuff out there, in the various secular communities that dot this vast wasteland. Getting a new perspective on things is always a benefit, y'see. I've always believed its nice to challenge your worldviews. Builds character. But it also tests the very foundations upon which you carry yourself, makes you start thinking about what you truly value most. And on the subject of value, I suppose I learned in this great grand scheme that, well, I'm not exactly up to my ears in it. Silly Spam Flash for Kicks is only so fulfilling. Y'see.

So selfishly I've been trying to hang around non-Clock people more. Create memories, make new friends, that sorta thing. Start investing in what I value most which is creating moments that I can look back on fondly. It's been a lot of fun and I wouldn't really trade it for the world. It's always awesome to see what you have in common with people from vastly different upbringings than you; makes you realize that despite everything we're all not so different.

So I've been doing that for awhile. Joined a Cult. Carved symbols into my chest. Hung desiccated deer carcasses from meat hooks. Sacrificed people to The Pit. Chanted unintelligible glossolalia into the void in the hopes for unending riches. Kidnapped people in the night, doused them in gasoline, set them on fire if they refused to give up the information I wanted. Used code CHOCO for 10% off gamersupps. Just really out there making friends and having fun. Bringing some value to this little life of mine.

I'm hoping I can channel these personal experiences into a new film for next year, to summarize what I've learned. I think after a few years excursion I have more than enough inspiration to draw from. The only matter is time, ironically enough. Maybe if I could get my way more often without the use of pliers, a hacksaw, and a mallet with spikes welded into it, I'd have a great deal more time. But alas, it's not so easy. It's never so easy. They always want to do it the hard way.

Remember to vote 5 on gosh darned everything, as is tradition, and have yourself a very Happy Clock Day, everyone!!!

XOXO Phono <3



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